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2024 Sunday School Training

We can bring this training to your conference or association. If your church is interested in hosting this training for 2024 please call us!


New Certificate Program

Teaching to Transform by Dr. Bradley Simon

"Foundational Principles for Making an Informational Sunday School Lesson TRANSFORMATIONAL"


"How to Teach a Transformational Sunday School Lesson STEP-BY-STEP"


This 2 Volume Book/DVD, 14 Lessons Series "focuses on showing you how to turn informationally or educationally oriented Bible lessons into life-altering transformational ones.  You will learn how to teach not only the head but also the heart which results in changed lives.  You will discover the biblical principals, attitudes, priorities, and goals that will help you maximize your impact as a teacher."  Throughout the second book/DVD you will receive "a simple, practical, step-by-step process for how to develop and teach a Bible lesson that changes hearts and transforms lives."


This course can be presented in several different ways over various periods of time. It is DVD driven and can be facilitated by The CEM Director or if you would like for someone in your church to facilitate the series, it can be borrowed from the CEM.  There are two books recommend for each student at a cost of $20. We would be glad to order these for you upon request.

At the end of the course each student will receive a certificate of completion. 


​Contact the CEM Director, Gail Heath at 919-299-4553 for more information.

Institutes of Study 

Institutes of Study are scheduled with the cooperation of specific denominational conferences and associations. The major event:


 L.I.F.E. Conference:

Stoney Creek OFWB, Goldsboro

First Weekend in March

March 2nd, 2024

Use the button below to find more information on the LIFE conference



Our online newsletter

TEACH is sent out quarterly by our convention headquarters. We ask that someone from each church make as many copies as needed to share with your church. If you know of someone who needs a printed copy, please send or email their name and address to us. If you are not on our e-mail list but would like to be, please forward your information to us. 

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